Best Practice Certified

Blueline is committed to providing the best services and products to our customers and service users and to assist us in doing this our systems are audited against the ISO9001 international standard by an external organisation, Best Practice Certification.

 We are committed to quality.

Our laundry washes to Australian Standard AS 4146, with all wash formulas and cycles managed by our partner JayChem Australia.

As a leading employer of people with a disability, Blueline Laundry is registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, an independent agency established to regulate NDIS providers.

Whilst our washing process is similar to yours at home, just on an industrial scale we also implement tighter checks and balances to ensure an Australian certified ISO 9001 and AS 4146 level of quality, cleanliness and hygiene. 

BLL is also implementing an environmental management system, with the aim of meeting the ISO 14001 Standard as part of our sustainable development alignment and committing to minimising environmental footprint.

We are happy to announce that at our recent audit we have been successful in maintaining our accreditation.


Grateful recognition